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About Us

The Orange Southwest Supervisory District was created in 2017 following a vote taken by residents in the towns of Randolph, Braintree, and Brookfield to unify under a single school district. Prior to that vote, each town elected its own school board to govern, oversee, and maintain its own elementary school; the high school had a single governing board made up of residents from all three towns; and the former Orange Southwest Supervisory Union had a board that oversaw the SU as a whole.

In essence, there were five board managing budgets, services, staffing, and curriculum. We now have a single governing board comprised of board members from each of our three towns overseeing the entire district.

The benefits of a single governing board are many and include budget efficiencies due to consolidation of shared services; a cohesive curriculum across all three elementary schools (students arrive at Randolph Union High School with the same readiness); and the flexibility to attract and retain high quality teachers and administrators.

Under our Unified District, each town is represented as follows:

  • Braintree – 2 board representatives
  • Brookfield – 2 board representatives
  • Randolph – 4 board representatives

The Orange Southwest (Unified) School District became operational on July 1, 2017.